SMLE Secrets Diary Features

The real exam  is exactly   same to our Question

The site contains the most important 4000 questions to prepare for the SMLE exam,
It is the result of filtering thousands of other unimportant questions  , you must master them very very well  before exam , The real exam  is exactly   same to our Question 


Including all sections

We have questions for  surgery, gynecology, obstetrics, pediatric , internal medicine, ethics, a photo file and an ECG file. our website  includes all sections for SMLE Exsam 

sufficient, easy and tidy

You can rely on our website only for prepare SMLE  without   need any  other sources, as it is sufficient, easy and tidy

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The real exam  is exactly   same to our Question

We help you to get a score above 80 easily from the first attempt


We have 3000 questions corrected and it comes exactly the same in the real exsam inshallah


We have several models for training on the test method


study with Us

Subscription prices

A very important notice: the questions on our site are in English, but many of the explanations for the questions are in Arabic, as the percentage of Arab subscribers is higher

package 16 days
just 130 Rial
All packages include all questions, the only difference is the duration of the availability of questions in your account on the our website, after the expiry of the number of days chosen, the questions will disappear from your account electronically
package 41 days
just 250 Rial
All packages include all questions, the only difference is the duration of the availability of questions in your account on the our website, after the expiry of the number of days chosen, the questions will disappear from your account electronically
package 90 days
just 400 Rial
This is a suggested package, as 90 days is enough time to memorize all the questions very well
There is no difference between them and all packages, only the difference in the number of days
package 1 months
just 200 ٍRial
All packages include all questions, the only difference is the duration of the availability of questions in your account on the our website, after the expiry of the number of days chosen, the questions will disappear from your account electronically
package 7 months
just 650 Rial
All packages include all questions, the only difference is the duration of the availability of questions in your account on the our website, after the expiry of the number of days chosen, the questions will disappear from your account electronically

The experiences of our subscribers who prepare for SMLE from our website